
John McDonald

November 24th, 2023 – Jan 23rd, 2024

John Brady McDonald is a Nehiyawak-Metis writer, artist, historian, musician, playwright, actor and activist born and raised in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. He is from the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation and the Mistawasis Nehiyawak.

His exhibition, “Omentum” is a series of 10 paintings which touch on several of the major experiences faced by Indigenous people in this country within recent memory. These paintings, influenced by both the works of Norval Morrisseau and also Pablo Picasso, speak of some of the major struggles and triumphs that are part of our everyday life as Indigenous people, such as the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Cultural Appropriation, the legacy of Residential Schools, the Rise and Honour of the Two-Spirited in the LGBTQ, the Return of Traditional Indigenous Tattooing, the Rise in Systemic Racism Online, and, of course, the Murder of Colten Boushie.